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synced 2025-03-03 18:38:03 +08:00
git-svn-id: https://sfml.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/sfml/branches/sfml2@1403 4e206d99-4929-0410-ac5d-dfc041789085
99 lines
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99 lines
3.1 KiB
# coding=utf-8
from PySFML import sf
import random
# Simple class for an apple.
class Apple:
sprite = None
speed = (2, 2)
rotationstep = 1
def __init__( self, image ):
self.sprite = sf.Sprite( image )
self.sprite.SetOrigin( image.GetWidth() / 2, image.GetHeight() / 2 )
# Set resolution and create the window.
Resolution = (800, 600)
wnd = sf.RenderWindow( sf.VideoMode( Resolution[0], Resolution[1], 32 ), "Hello SFML!" )
wnd.UseVerticalSync( True )
# Load a fancy font.
cheese = sf.Font()
cheese.LoadFromFile( "data/cheeseburger.ttf" )
# Create a text.
text = sf.Text( u"Hello SFML from Python!", cheese, 50 )
text.SetOrigin( text.GetRect().GetSize()[0] / 2, text.GetRect().GetSize()[1] / 2 )
text.SetPosition( 400, 300 )
text.SetColor( sf.Color( 0, 100, 0, 100 ) )
# Create a text for FPS display.
fpstext = sf.Text( u"FPS: --", cheese )
fpstext.SetColor( sf.Color( 0, 0, 0 ) )
currentfps = 0
fpsclock = sf.Clock()
# Load apple image from file.
appleimage = sf.Image()
appleimage.LoadFromFile( "data/apple.png" )
# Create some apples with random position, speed, rotation and color.
apples = [Apple( appleimage ) for num in range( 0, 100 )]
for apple in apples:
apple.sprite.SetOrigin( appleimage.GetWidth() / 2, appleimage.GetHeight() / 2 )
random.randint( apple.sprite.GetOrigin()[0], Resolution[0] - apple.sprite.GetOrigin()[0] ),
random.randint( apple.sprite.GetOrigin()[1], Resolution[1] - apple.sprite.GetOrigin()[1] )
apple.sprite.SetColor( sf.Color( random.randint( 100, 255 ), random.randint( 100, 255 ), random.randint( 100, 255 ) ) )
randx = random.randint( -3, 3 )
randy = random.randint( -3, 3 )
apple.speed = (1 if randx == 0 else randx, 1 if randy == 0 else randy)
apple.rotationstep = random.uniform( 1.0, 20.0 ) - 10.0
event = sf.Event()
# Main loop.
while wnd.IsOpened():
# Fetch all pending events and process them.
while wnd.GetEvent( event ):
# Quit when window has been closed or Escape has been pressed.
if event.Type == sf.Event.Closed:
elif event.Type == sf.Event.KeyPressed and event.Key.Code == sf.Key.Escape:
# Clear window to white color.
wnd.Clear( sf.Color( 255, 255, 255 ) )
# Draw all apples and texts.
for apple in apples:
wnd.Draw( apple.sprite )
wnd.Draw( text )
wnd.Draw( fpstext )
wnd.Display() # Display everything.
# Count FPS.
currentfps += 1
if fpsclock.GetElapsedTime() >= 1.0:
fpstext.SetString( u"FPS: " + unicode( currentfps ) )
currentfps = 0
# Update apples (for the "bounce effect").
for apple in apples:
apple.sprite.Move( apple.speed[0], apple.speed[1] )
apple.sprite.Rotate( apple.rotationstep )
realpos = (apple.sprite.GetPosition()[0] - apple.sprite.GetOrigin()[0], apple.sprite.GetPosition()[1] - apple.sprite.GetOrigin()[1])
if (apple.speed[0] > 0 and realpos[0] >= Resolution[0] - appleimage.GetWidth()) or (apple.speed[0] < 0 and realpos[0] <= 0):
apple.speed = (apple.speed[0] * -1, apple.speed[1])
if (apple.speed[1] > 0 and realpos[1] >= Resolution[1] - appleimage.GetWidth()) or (apple.speed[1] < 0 and realpos[1] <= 0):
apple.speed = (apple.speed[0], apple.speed[1] * -1)