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synced 2025-03-14 01:40:05 +08:00
std::array lets us have a single source of truth for array size rather than needing separate constants or magic numbers that have to stay in sync with the underlying array.
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// SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
// Copyright (C) 2007-2023 Laurent Gomila (laurent@sfml-dev.org)
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
// In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
// subject to the following restrictions:
// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented;
// you must not claim that you wrote the original software.
// If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
// in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such,
// and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#pragma once
// Headers
#include <SFML/Graphics/Export.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics/Rect.hpp>
#include <SFML/System/Vector2.hpp>
#include <array>
namespace sf
class Angle;
/// \brief Define a 3x3 transform matrix
class Transform
/// \brief Default constructor
/// Creates an identity transform (a transform that does nothing).
constexpr Transform();
/// \brief Construct a transform from a 3x3 matrix
/// \param a00 Element (0, 0) of the matrix
/// \param a01 Element (0, 1) of the matrix
/// \param a02 Element (0, 2) of the matrix
/// \param a10 Element (1, 0) of the matrix
/// \param a11 Element (1, 1) of the matrix
/// \param a12 Element (1, 2) of the matrix
/// \param a20 Element (2, 0) of the matrix
/// \param a21 Element (2, 1) of the matrix
/// \param a22 Element (2, 2) of the matrix
constexpr Transform(float a00, float a01, float a02, float a10, float a11, float a12, float a20, float a21, float a22);
/// \brief Return the transform as a 4x4 matrix
/// This function returns a pointer to an array of 16 floats
/// containing the transform elements as a 4x4 matrix, which
/// is directly compatible with OpenGL functions.
/// \code
/// sf::Transform transform = ...;
/// glLoadMatrixf(transform.getMatrix());
/// \endcode
/// \return Pointer to a 4x4 matrix
constexpr const float* getMatrix() const;
/// \brief Return the inverse of the transform
/// If the inverse cannot be computed, an identity transform
/// is returned.
/// \return A new transform which is the inverse of self
constexpr Transform getInverse() const;
/// \brief Transform a 2D point
/// These two statements are equivalent:
/// \code
/// sf::Vector2f transformedPoint = matrix.transformPoint(point);
/// sf::Vector2f transformedPoint = matrix * point;
/// \endcode
/// \param point Point to transform
/// \return Transformed point
constexpr Vector2f transformPoint(const Vector2f& point) const;
/// \brief Transform a rectangle
/// Since SFML doesn't provide support for oriented rectangles,
/// the result of this function is always an axis-aligned
/// rectangle. Which means that if the transform contains a
/// rotation, the bounding rectangle of the transformed rectangle
/// is returned.
/// \param rectangle Rectangle to transform
/// \return Transformed rectangle
constexpr FloatRect transformRect(const FloatRect& rectangle) const;
/// \brief Combine the current transform with another one
/// The result is a transform that is equivalent to applying
/// \a transform followed by *this. Mathematically, it is
/// equivalent to a matrix multiplication (*this) * transform.
/// These two statements are equivalent:
/// \code
/// left.combine(right);
/// left *= right;
/// \endcode
/// \param transform Transform to combine with this transform
/// \return Reference to *this
constexpr Transform& combine(const Transform& transform);
/// \brief Combine the current transform with a translation
/// This function returns a reference to *this, so that calls
/// can be chained.
/// \code
/// sf::Transform transform;
/// transform.translate(sf::Vector2f(100, 200)).rotate(sf::degrees(45));
/// \endcode
/// \param offset Translation offset to apply
/// \return Reference to *this
/// \see rotate, scale
constexpr Transform& translate(const Vector2f& offset);
/// \brief Combine the current transform with a rotation
/// This function returns a reference to *this, so that calls
/// can be chained.
/// \code
/// sf::Transform transform;
/// transform.rotate(sf::degrees(90)).translate(50, 20);
/// \endcode
/// \param angle Rotation angle
/// \return Reference to *this
/// \see translate, scale
SFML_GRAPHICS_API Transform& rotate(Angle angle);
/// \brief Combine the current transform with a rotation
/// The center of rotation is provided for convenience as a second
/// argument, so that you can build rotations around arbitrary points
/// more easily (and efficiently) than the usual
/// translate(-center).rotate(angle).translate(center).
/// This function returns a reference to *this, so that calls
/// can be chained.
/// \code
/// sf::Transform transform;
/// transform.rotate(sf::degrees(90), sf::Vector2f(8, 3)).translate(sf::Vector2f(50, 20));
/// \endcode
/// \param angle Rotation angle
/// \param center Center of rotation
/// \return Reference to *this
/// \see translate, scale
SFML_GRAPHICS_API Transform& rotate(Angle angle, const Vector2f& center);
/// \brief Combine the current transform with a scaling
/// This function returns a reference to *this, so that calls
/// can be chained.
/// \code
/// sf::Transform transform;
/// transform.scale(sf::Vector2f(2, 1)).rotate(sf::degrees(45));
/// \endcode
/// \param factors Scaling factors
/// \return Reference to *this
/// \see translate, rotate
constexpr Transform& scale(const Vector2f& factors);
/// \brief Combine the current transform with a scaling
/// The center of scaling is provided for convenience as a second
/// argument, so that you can build scaling around arbitrary points
/// more easily (and efficiently) than the usual
/// translate(-center).scale(factors).translate(center).
/// This function returns a reference to *this, so that calls
/// can be chained.
/// \code
/// sf::Transform transform;
/// transform.scale(sf::Vector2f(2, 1), sf::Vector2f(8, 3)).rotate(45);
/// \endcode
/// \param factors Scaling factors
/// \param center Center of scaling
/// \return Reference to *this
/// \see translate, rotate
constexpr Transform& scale(const Vector2f& factors, const Vector2f& center);
// Static member data
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-identifier-naming)
static const Transform Identity; //!< The identity transform (does nothing)
// Member data
// clang-format off
float m_matrix[16]{1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f,
0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f,
0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f,
0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f}; //!< 4x4 matrix defining the transformation
// clang-format off
/// \relates sf::Transform
/// \brief Overload of binary operator * to combine two transforms
/// This call is equivalent to calling Transform(left).combine(right).
/// \param left Left operand (the first transform)
/// \param right Right operand (the second transform)
/// \return New combined transform
constexpr Transform operator*(const Transform& left, const Transform& right);
/// \relates sf::Transform
/// \brief Overload of binary operator *= to combine two transforms
/// This call is equivalent to calling left.combine(right).
/// \param left Left operand (the first transform)
/// \param right Right operand (the second transform)
/// \return The combined transform
constexpr Transform& operator*=(Transform& left, const Transform& right);
/// \relates sf::Transform
/// \brief Overload of binary operator * to transform a point
/// This call is equivalent to calling left.transformPoint(right).
/// \param left Left operand (the transform)
/// \param right Right operand (the point to transform)
/// \return New transformed point
constexpr Vector2f operator*(const Transform& left, const Vector2f& right);
/// \relates sf::Transform
/// \brief Overload of binary operator == to compare two transforms
/// Performs an element-wise comparison of the elements of the
/// left transform with the elements of the right transform.
/// \param left Left operand (the first transform)
/// \param right Right operand (the second transform)
/// \return true if the transforms are equal, false otherwise
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator==(const Transform& left, const Transform& right);
/// \relates sf::Transform
/// \brief Overload of binary operator != to compare two transforms
/// This call is equivalent to !(left == right).
/// \param left Left operand (the first transform)
/// \param right Right operand (the second transform)
/// \return true if the transforms are not equal, false otherwise
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator!=(const Transform& left, const Transform& right);
#include <SFML/Graphics/Transform.inl>
} // namespace sf
/// \class sf::Transform
/// \ingroup graphics
/// A sf::Transform specifies how to translate, rotate, scale,
/// shear, project, whatever things. In mathematical terms, it defines
/// how to transform a coordinate system into another.
/// For example, if you apply a rotation transform to a sprite, the
/// result will be a rotated sprite. And anything that is transformed
/// by this rotation transform will be rotated the same way, according
/// to its initial position.
/// Transforms are typically used for drawing. But they can also be
/// used for any computation that requires to transform points between
/// the local and global coordinate systems of an entity (like collision
/// detection).
/// Example:
/// \code
/// // define a translation transform
/// sf::Transform translation;
/// translation.translate(20, 50);
/// // define a rotation transform
/// sf::Transform rotation;
/// rotation.rotate(45);
/// // combine them
/// sf::Transform transform = translation * rotation;
/// // use the result to transform stuff...
/// sf::Vector2f point = transform.transformPoint(10, 20);
/// sf::FloatRect rect = transform.transformRect(sf::FloatRect({0, 0}, {10, 100}));
/// \endcode
/// \see sf::Transformable, sf::RenderStates