 * dns_srv.h

#ifndef DNS_SRV_H_
#define DNS_SRV_H_
#ifndef NO_DNS

#include "types.h"

typedef struct
	uint32_t random_weight;
	uint16_t priority;
	uint16_t weight;
	char serverName[260];
}  kms_server_dns_t, *kms_server_dns_ptr;

typedef struct
	uint16_t priority;
	uint16_t weight;
	uint16_t port;
	unsigned char name[1];
} dns_srv_record_t, *dns_srv_record_ptr;

#if __OpenBSD__
typedef enum __ns_type {
	ns_t_invalid = 0,	/*%< Cookie. */
	ns_t_a = 1,		/*%< Host address. */
	ns_t_ns = 2,		/*%< Authoritative server. */
	ns_t_md = 3,		/*%< Mail destination. */
	ns_t_mf = 4,		/*%< Mail forwarder. */
	ns_t_cname = 5,		/*%< Canonical name. */
	ns_t_soa = 6,		/*%< Start of authority zone. */
	ns_t_mb = 7,		/*%< Mailbox domain name. */
	ns_t_mg = 8,		/*%< Mail group member. */
	ns_t_mr = 9,		/*%< Mail rename name. */
	ns_t_null = 10,		/*%< Null resource record. */
	ns_t_wks = 11,		/*%< Well known service. */
	ns_t_ptr = 12,		/*%< Domain name pointer. */
	ns_t_hinfo = 13,	/*%< Host information. */
	ns_t_minfo = 14,	/*%< Mailbox information. */
	ns_t_mx = 15,		/*%< Mail routing information. */
	ns_t_txt = 16,		/*%< Text strings. */
	ns_t_rp = 17,		/*%< Responsible person. */
	ns_t_afsdb = 18,	/*%< AFS cell database. */
	ns_t_x25 = 19,		/*%< X_25 calling address. */
	ns_t_isdn = 20,		/*%< ISDN calling address. */
	ns_t_rt = 21,		/*%< Router. */
	ns_t_nsap = 22,		/*%< NSAP address. */
	ns_t_nsap_ptr = 23,	/*%< Reverse NSAP lookup (deprecated). */
	ns_t_sig = 24,		/*%< Security signature. */
	ns_t_key = 25,		/*%< Security key. */
	ns_t_px = 26,		/*%< X.400 mail mapping. */
	ns_t_gpos = 27,		/*%< Geographical position (withdrawn). */
	ns_t_aaaa = 28,		/*%< Ip6 Address. */
	ns_t_loc = 29,		/*%< Location Information. */
	ns_t_nxt = 30,		/*%< Next domain (security). */
	ns_t_eid = 31,		/*%< Endpoint identifier. */
	ns_t_nimloc = 32,	/*%< Nimrod Locator. */
	ns_t_srv = 33,		/*%< Server Selection. */
	ns_t_atma = 34,		/*%< ATM Address */
	ns_t_naptr = 35,	/*%< Naming Authority PoinTeR */
	ns_t_kx = 36,		/*%< Key Exchange */
	ns_t_cert = 37,		/*%< Certification record */
	ns_t_a6 = 38,		/*%< IPv6 address (deprecated, use ns_t_aaaa) */
	ns_t_dname = 39,	/*%< Non-terminal DNAME (for IPv6) */
	ns_t_sink = 40,		/*%< Kitchen sink (experimentatl) */
	ns_t_opt = 41,		/*%< EDNS0 option (meta-RR) */
	ns_t_apl = 42,		/*%< Address prefix list (RFC3123) */
	ns_t_tkey = 249,	/*%< Transaction key */
	ns_t_tsig = 250,	/*%< Transaction signature. */
	ns_t_ixfr = 251,	/*%< Incremental zone transfer. */
	ns_t_axfr = 252,	/*%< Transfer zone of authority. */
	ns_t_mailb = 253,	/*%< Transfer mailbox records. */
	ns_t_maila = 254,	/*%< Transfer mail agent records. */
	ns_t_any = 255,		/*%< Wildcard match. */
	ns_t_zxfr = 256,	/*%< BIND-specific, nonstandard. */
	ns_t_max = 65536
} ns_type;

typedef enum __ns_class {
	ns_c_invalid = 0,	/*%< Cookie. */
	ns_c_in = 1,		/*%< Internet. */
	ns_c_2 = 2,		/*%< unallocated/unsupported. */
	ns_c_chaos = 3,		/*%< MIT Chaos-net. */
	ns_c_hs = 4,		/*%< MIT Hesiod. */
	/* Query class values which do not appear in resource records */
	ns_c_none = 254,	/*%< for prereq. sections in update requests */
	ns_c_any = 255,		/*%< Wildcard match. */
	ns_c_max = 65536
} ns_class;


int getKmsServerList(kms_server_dns_ptr** serverlist, const char *const restrict query);
void sortSrvRecords(kms_server_dns_ptr* serverlist, const int answers);

#endif // NO_DNS
#endif /* DNS_SRV_H_ */