PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError,"You can't create an Input object yourself, because an Input object must always be associated to its window.\nThe only way to get an Input is by creating a window and calling : Input = MyWindow.GetInput().");
{"IsKeyDown",(PyCFunction)PySfInput_IsKeyDown,METH_O,"IsKeyDown(KeyCode)\nGet the state of a key. Returns True if key is down, false if key is up.\n KeyCode : Key to check"},
{"IsMouseButtonDown",(PyCFunction)PySfInput_IsMouseButtonDown,METH_O,"IsMouseButtonDown(Button)\nGet the state of a mouse button. Returns True if button is down, false if button is up.\n Button : Button to check"},
{"IsJoystickButtonDown",(PyCFunction)PySfInput_IsJoystickButtonDown,METH_VARARGS,"IsJoystickButtonDown(JoyId, Button)\nGet the state of a joystick button. Returns True if button is down, false if button is up.\n JoyId : Identifier of the joystick to check (0 or 1)\n Button : Button to check"},
{"GetMouseX",(PyCFunction)PySfInput_GetMouseX,METH_NOARGS,"GetMouseX()\nGet the mouse X position."},
{"GetMouseY",(PyCFunction)PySfInput_GetMouseY,METH_NOARGS,"GetMouseY()\nGet the mouse Y position."},
{"GetJoystickAxis",(PyCFunction)PySfInput_GetJoystickAxis,METH_VARARGS,"GetJoystickAxis(JoyId, Axis)\nGet a joystick axis position. Returns current axis position, in the range [-100, 100] (except for POV, which is [0, 360])\n JoyId : Identifier of the joystick to check (0 or 1)\n Axis : Axis to get"},
"sf.Input handles real-time input from keyboard and mouse. Use it instead of events to handle continuous moves and more game-friendly inputs.",/* tp_doc */