entity: physics rewrite
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
@ -16,8 +16,11 @@ func init() {
func (PlayerBehaviour) Name() string { return "player" }
func (PlayerBehaviour) Hitbox(pos itype.Vec3d, dataset itype.Dataset) itype.Vec3d {
return itype.Vec3d{0.6, 1.8, 0.6}
func (PlayerBehaviour) Hitbox(pos itype.Vec3d, dataset itype.Dataset) []itype.Boxd {
return []itype.Boxd{{
OffX: -0.3, OffY: 0, OffZ: -0.3,
SizeX: 0.6, SizeY: 1.8, SizeZ: 0.6,
func (PlayerBehaviour) EyeHeight(pos itype.Vec3d, dataset itype.Dataset) float64 {
@ -3,27 +3,26 @@ package entity
import (
// EntityBehaviour describes the behaviour of a type of entity with the same Name.
// It should hold no data of its own.
type EntityBehaviour interface {
// Name returns the type Name of the behaviour.
Name() string
// Hitbox gets the size of the hitbox of the entity.
// Hitbox gets the hitbox(s) of the entity.
// The hitbox is positioned with the position coordinates pointing to
// the center of the bottom of the box.
Hitbox(pos itype.Vec3d, dataset itype.Dataset) itype.Vec3d
// The hitbox is in entity-local coordinates, originating from the position.
Hitbox(pos itype.Vec3d, dataset itype.Dataset) []itype.Boxd
// EyeHeight gets the height of the eye of the entity.
EyeHeight(pos itype.Vec3d, dataset itype.Dataset) float64
// Update is called on every frame.
// It should be used to update physics.
// It should be used to update the behaviour of the entity.
Update(pos itype.Vec3d, dataset itype.Dataset, world *world.World, deltaTime time.Duration)
@ -45,14 +44,14 @@ func RegisterEntityBehaviour(b EntityBehaviour) bool {
// Entity is a struct holding a Behaviour, a Position and a Speed.
type Entity struct {
b EntityBehaviour
pos, speed itype.Vec3d // pos has a origin of the **center of the bottom** of the hitbox
pos, speed itype.Vec3d // pos should have a origin of the **center of the bottom** of the hitbox
ds itype.Dataset
name string // a shortcut to b.Name(), the typename
// physics stuff
onGround bool
worldbox []itype.Boxd
hp []itype.Vec3d
func NewEntity(typename string, pos itype.Vec3d) *Entity {
@ -84,16 +83,16 @@ func (e *Entity) SetSpeed(speed itype.Vec3d) {
e.speed = speed
func (e *Entity) Hitbox() itype.Vec3d {
func (e *Entity) Hitbox() []itype.Boxd {
return e.b.Hitbox(e.pos, e.ds)
func (e *Entity) Accelerate(x, y, z float64) {
/*e.speed[0] += x
e.speed[0] += x
e.speed[1] += y
e.speed[2] += z*/
vec := itype.Vec3d{x, y, z}
e.speed = util.BunnyhopAccelerate(vec, e.speed, vec.Length(), 8)
e.speed[2] += z
/*vec := itype.Vec3d{x, y, z}
e.speed = util.BunnyhopAccelerate(vec, e.speed, vec.Length(), 8)*/
func (e *Entity) OnGround() bool {
@ -9,262 +9,187 @@ import (
func (e *Entity) worldHitbox(hitbox itype.Vec3d) itype.Boxd {
return itype.Boxd{
OffX: e.pos[0] - hitbox[0]/2,
OffY: e.pos[1],
OffZ: e.pos[2] - hitbox[2]/2,
SizeX: hitbox[0],
SizeY: hitbox[1],
SizeZ: hitbox[2],
// WorldHitbox returns the hitboxes of the entity, in world coordinates.
func (e *Entity) WorldHitbox() []itype.Boxd {
boxes := e.Hitbox()
for i := range boxes {
boxes[i] = boxes[i].Offset(e.pos)
// WorldHitbox returns the hitbox of the entity, in world coordinates.
func (e *Entity) WorldHitbox() itype.Boxd {
return e.worldHitbox(e.b.Hitbox(e.pos, e.ds))
// the distance between hitpoints, in blocks
const HitpointMeshLen = 0.4
func (e *Entity) boxHitpoints(points []itype.Vec3d, hitbox itype.Boxd) []itype.Vec3d {
box := hitbox
base := box.MinPoint()
points = points[0:0]
// add the bounding points first
points = append(points,
base.Add(itype.Vec3d{box.SizeX, 0, 0}),
base.Add(itype.Vec3d{0, box.SizeY, 0}),
base.Add(itype.Vec3d{0, 0, box.SizeZ}),
base.Add(itype.Vec3d{box.SizeX, box.SizeY, 0}),
base.Add(itype.Vec3d{0, box.SizeY, box.SizeZ}),
base.Add(itype.Vec3d{box.SizeX, 0, box.SizeZ}),
base.Add(itype.Vec3d{box.SizeX, box.SizeY, box.SizeZ}),
return points
return boxes
// MoveEps is a small value used to indicate a tiny amount more than zero.
const MoveEps = 1e-7
// tells if the point is already stuck inside a block hitbox
func pointStuck(point itype.Vec3d, w *world.World) bool {
blockid := point.Floor()
block := w.Block(blockid)
return block.Id != 0 &&
// move attempts to move the entity by delta in the world.
// It does not change anything in e.
func (e *Entity) move(delta itype.Vec3d, w *world.World) (finDelta itype.Vec3d, finVelocity itype.Vec3d, onGround bool) {
// Get the hitboxes and the blocks region covering it
hb := e.WorldHitbox()
hbmin, hbmax := itype.Vec3d{1000000000, 1000000000, 1000000000}, itype.Vec3d{-1000000000, -1000000000, -1000000000}
for _, b := range hb {
bmin, bmax := b.MinPoint(), b.MaxPoint()
hbmin[0] = util.Mind(hbmin[0], bmin[0])
hbmin[1] = util.Mind(hbmin[1], bmin[1])
hbmin[2] = util.Mind(hbmin[2], bmin[2])
hbmax[0] = util.Maxd(hbmax[0], bmax[0])
hbmax[1] = util.Maxd(hbmax[1], bmax[1])
hbmax[2] = util.Maxd(hbmax[2], bmax[2])
// So this is the region of blocks we should calculate
imin, imax := hbmin.Floor().Addv(-1, -1, -1), hbmax.Ceiling().Addv(1, 1, 1)
finDelta = delta
finVelocity = e.speed
for x := imin[0]; x <= imax[0]; x++ {
for y := imin[1]; y <= imax[1]; y++ {
for z := imin[2]; z <= imax[2]; z++ {
blockDelta, blockVelocity, blockOnGround := e.moveBlock(hb, delta, itype.Vec3i{x, y, z}, w)
finDelta[0] = util.AbsMind(finDelta[0], blockDelta[0])
finDelta[1] = util.AbsMind(finDelta[1], blockDelta[1])
finDelta[2] = util.AbsMind(finDelta[2], blockDelta[2])
finVelocity[0] = util.AbsMind(finVelocity[0], blockVelocity[0])
finVelocity[1] = util.AbsMind(finVelocity[1], blockVelocity[1])
finVelocity[2] = util.AbsMind(finVelocity[2], blockVelocity[2])
onGround = onGround || blockOnGround
// Y-
if delta[1] < 0 {
onGround = onGround || e.onGround
} else {
onGround = false
// the move series functions should be called with e.hp already filled
// moveBlock simulates moving the entity by delta, and tests collision with the block hibbox.
func (e *Entity) moveBlock(worldHitbox []itype.Boxd, delta itype.Vec3d, blockCoord itype.Vec3i, w *world.World) (blockDelta itype.Vec3d, finVelocity itype.Vec3d, onGround bool) {
blockDelta = delta
finVelocity = e.speed
onGround = false
func (e *Entity) moveX(delta float64, hitbox itype.Boxd, w *world.World) {
if math.Abs(delta) < MoveEps*10 {
var blockHitbox []itype.Boxd
if block := w.Block(blockCoord); block.Id != 0 {
blocka := block.Appearance(blockCoord)
if !blocka.NotSolid {
blockHitbox = w.Block(blockCoord).Appearance(blockCoord).Hitbox
for i := range blockHitbox {
blockHitbox[i] = blockHitbox[i].Offset(blockCoord.ToFloat64())
if len(blockHitbox) == 0 {
var hit bool = false
var deltaMin float64 = 10000
for _, eb := range worldHitbox {
for _, bb := range blockHitbox {
// Already intersecting: return
if ok, _ := eb.Intersect(bb); ok {
if delta > 1-MoveEps {
delta = 1 - MoveEps
if delta < -1+MoveEps {
delta = -1 + MoveEps
// X+ / X-
for _, p := range e.hp {
if pointStuck(p, w) {
dest := p.Addv(delta, 0, 0)
blockid := dest.Floor()
block := w.Block(blockid)
var deltaDone float64
if block.Id == 0 {
deltaDone = delta
} else { // block.Id!=0
app := world.GetBlockAppearance(blockid, block.Id, block.Aux, block.Dataset, w)
blockBox := app.Hitbox.Offset(blockid.ToFloat64())
if !app.NotSolid && blockBox.Contains(dest) { // Hit!
hit = true
if delta > 0 { // moving X+, hit on the X- face
deltaDone = blockBox.OffX - (e.pos[0] + hitbox.SizeX/2) - MoveEps
//log.Print("Hit X+: On Block ", blockid, ", delta=", delta, ", coord=", e.pos, ", p=", p, ", dest=", dest, ", deltaDone=", deltaDone)
} else { // moving X-, hit on the X+ face
deltaDone = blockBox.OffX + blockBox.SizeX - (e.pos[0] - hitbox.SizeX/2) + MoveEps
//log.Print("Hit X-: On Block ", blockid, ", delta=", delta, ", coord=", e.pos, ", p=", p, ", dest=", dest, ", deltaDone=", deltaDone)
// X
if ok, _ := eb.Offsetv(blockDelta[0], 0, 0).Intersect(bb); ok {
if blockDelta[0] > 0 {
blockDelta[0] = bb.OffX - (eb.OffX + eb.SizeX) - MoveEps
//log.Printf("Hit(X+): On (X%d,Y%d,Z%d), delta=%v\n", blockCoord[0], blockCoord[1], blockCoord[2], blockDelta)
} else {
blockDelta[0] = (bb.OffX + bb.SizeX) - eb.OffX + MoveEps
//log.Printf("Hit(X-): On (X%d,Y%d,Z%d), delta=%v\n", blockCoord[0], blockCoord[1], blockCoord[2], blockDelta)
} else {
deltaDone = delta
finVelocity[0] = 0
// Y
if ok, _ := eb.Offsetv(0, blockDelta[1], 0).Intersect(bb); ok {
if blockDelta[1] > 0 {
blockDelta[1] = bb.OffY - (eb.OffY + eb.SizeY) - MoveEps
//log.Printf("Hit(Y+): On (X%d,Y%d,Z%d), delta=%v\n", blockCoord[0], blockCoord[1], blockCoord[2], blockDelta)
} else {
onGround = true
blockDelta[1] = (bb.OffY + bb.SizeY) - eb.OffY + MoveEps
//log.Printf("Hit(Y-): On (X%d,Y%d,Z%d), delta=%v\n", blockCoord[0], blockCoord[1], blockCoord[2], blockDelta)
finVelocity[1] = 0
// Z
if ok, _ := eb.Offsetv(0, 0, blockDelta[2]).Intersect(bb); ok {
if blockDelta[2] > 0 {
blockDelta[2] = bb.OffZ - (eb.OffZ + eb.SizeZ) - MoveEps
//log.Printf("Hit(Z+): On (X%d,Y%d,Z%d), delta=%v\n", blockCoord[0], blockCoord[1], blockCoord[2], blockDelta)
} else {
blockDelta[2] = (bb.OffZ + bb.SizeZ) - eb.OffZ + MoveEps
//log.Printf("Hit(Z-): On (X%d,Y%d,Z%d), delta=%v\n", blockCoord[0], blockCoord[1], blockCoord[2], blockDelta)
finVelocity[2] = 0
deltaMin = util.AbsMind(deltaMin, deltaDone)
if hit {
e.speed[0] = 0
e.pos[0] += deltaMin
func (e *Entity) moveY(delta float64, hitbox itype.Boxd, w *world.World) {
if math.Abs(delta) < MoveEps*10 {
var hit bool = false
var deltaMin float64 = 10000
if delta > 1-MoveEps {
delta = 1 - MoveEps
if delta < -1+MoveEps {
delta = -1 + MoveEps
// Y+ / Y-
for _, p := range e.hp {
if pointStuck(p, w) {
dest := p.Addv(0, delta, 0)
blockid := dest.Floor()
block := w.Block(blockid)
var deltaDone float64
if block.Id == 0 {
deltaDone = delta
} else { // block.Id!=0
app := world.GetBlockAppearance(blockid, block.Id, block.Aux, block.Dataset, w)
blockBox := app.Hitbox.Offset(blockid.ToFloat64())
if !app.NotSolid && blockBox.Contains(dest) { // Hit!
hit = true
if delta > 0 { // moving Y+, hit on the Y- face
deltaDone = blockBox.OffY - (e.pos[1] + hitbox.SizeY) - MoveEps
//log.Print("Hit Y+: On Block ", blockid, ", delta=", delta, ", coord=", e.pos, ", p=", p, ", dest=", dest,", deltaDone=",deltaDone)
} else { // moving Y-, hit on the Y+ face (on the ground)
deltaDone = blockBox.OffY + blockBox.SizeY - e.pos[1] + MoveEps
//log.Print("Hit Y-: On Block ", blockid, ", delta=", delta, ", coord=", e.pos, ", p=", p, ", dest=", dest,", deltaDone=",deltaDone)
/*if !e.onGround {
log.Print("onGround = true")
e.onGround = true
} else {
deltaDone = delta
deltaMin = util.AbsMind(deltaMin, deltaDone)
if hit {
e.speed[1] = 0
if math.Abs(deltaMin) > MoveEps*10 {
/*if e.onGround {
log.Print("onGround = false")
e.onGround = false
e.pos[1] += deltaMin
func (e *Entity) moveZ(delta float64, hitbox itype.Boxd, w *world.World) {
if math.Abs(delta) < MoveEps*10 {
var hit bool = false
var deltaMin float64 = 10000
if delta > 1-MoveEps {
delta = 1 - MoveEps
if delta < -1+MoveEps {
delta = -1 + MoveEps
// Z+ / Z-
for _, p := range e.hp {
if pointStuck(p, w) {
dest := p.Addv(0, 0, delta)
blockid := dest.Floor()
block := w.Block(blockid)
var deltaDone float64
if block.Id == 0 {
deltaDone = delta
} else { // block.Id!=0
app := world.GetBlockAppearance(blockid, block.Id, block.Aux, block.Dataset, w)
blockBox := app.Hitbox.Offset(blockid.ToFloat64())
if !app.NotSolid && blockBox.Contains(dest) { // Hit!
hit = true
if delta > 0 { // moving Z+, hit on the Z- face
deltaDone = util.Maxd(blockBox.OffZ-(e.pos[2]+hitbox.SizeZ/2)-MoveEps, 0)
//log.Print("Hit Z+: On Block ", blockid, ", delta=", delta, ", coord=", e.pos, ", p=", p, ", dest=", dest, ", deltaDone=", deltaDone)
} else { // moving Z-, hit on the Z+ face
deltaDone = util.Mind(blockBox.OffZ+blockBox.SizeZ-(e.pos[2]-hitbox.SizeZ/2)+MoveEps, 0)
//log.Print("Hit Z-: On Block ", blockid, ", delta=", delta, ", coord=", e.pos, ", p=", p, ", dest=", dest, ", deltaDone=", deltaDone)
} else {
deltaDone = delta
deltaMin = util.AbsMind(deltaMin, deltaDone)
if hit {
e.speed[2] = 0
e.pos[2] += deltaMin
const gravity float64 = 26
const deaclc float64 = 28
const gravity = 26
const deaclc = 28
const maxspeed = 8
func (e *Entity) Update(world *world.World, deltaTime time.Duration) {
hitbox := e.b.Hitbox(e.pos, e.ds)
box := e.worldHitbox(hitbox)
delta, vec, onGround := e.move(itype.Vec3d{e.speed[0] * deltaTime.Seconds()}, world)
e.pos = e.pos.Add(delta)
e.speed = vec
delta, vec, onGround = e.move(e.speed.Multiply(deltaTime.Seconds()), world)
e.pos = e.pos.Add(delta)
e.speed = vec
delta, vec, onGround = e.move(e.speed.Multiply(deltaTime.Seconds()), world)
e.pos = e.pos.Add(delta)
e.speed = vec
e.hp = e.hp[0:0]
e.hp = e.boxHitpoints(e.hp, box)
e.onGround = onGround
e.moveX(e.speed[0]*deltaTime.Seconds(), box, world)
e.moveY(e.speed[1]*deltaTime.Seconds(), box, world)
e.moveZ(e.speed[2]*deltaTime.Seconds(), box, world)
var deltaSpeed itype.Vec3d
if e.onGround {
speed := math.Sqrt(e.speed[0]*e.speed[0] + e.speed[2]*e.speed[2])
if speed > MoveEps {
decrease := deaclc * deltaTime.Seconds()
factor := util.Maxd(util.Mind(speed-decrease, 6), 0) / speed
speed := math.Sqrt(e.speed[0]*e.speed[0] + e.speed[2]*e.speed[2])
if speed > MoveEps {
decrease := deaclc * deltaTime.Seconds()
if !e.onGround {
decrease /= 10
deltaSpeed[0] = -e.speed[0] * (1 - factor)
deltaSpeed[2] = -e.speed[2] * (1 - factor)
} else {
e.speed[0] = 0
e.speed[2] = 0
factor := util.Maxd(util.Mind(speed-decrease, 9), 0) / speed
e.speed[0] *= factor
e.speed[2] *= factor
deltaSpeed[1] = -gravity * deltaTime.Seconds()
e.speed[1] -= gravity * deltaTime.Seconds()
delta := e.speed.Multiply(deltaTime.Seconds()).Add(deltaSpeed.Multiply(deltaTime.Seconds() / 2))
e.speed = e.speed.Add(deltaSpeed)
findelta, vec, onGround := e.move(delta, world)
e.pos = e.pos.Add(findelta)
e.speed = vec
e.onGround = onGround
if !e.onGround {
vecXZ := itype.Vec2d{e.speed[0], e.speed[2]}
if vecXZ.Length() > maxspeed {
vecXZ = vecXZ.Normalize().Multiply(maxspeed)
e.speed[0] = vecXZ[0]
e.speed[2] = vecXZ[1]
e.b.Update(e.pos, e.ds, world, deltaTime)
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package game
import (
@ -52,7 +53,8 @@ func (g *Game) imgui() {
if imgui.BeginV("Player", nil, imgui.WindowFlagsAlwaysAutoResize) {
pos := g.player.Position()
vel := g.player.Speed()
imgui.Text(fmt.Sprintf("Pos: (%.5f, %.5f, %.5f), Vel: (%.5f, %.5f, %.5f)", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], vel[0], vel[1], vel[2]))
igwrap.Text("Pos: (%.5f, %.5f, %.5f), Vel: (%.5f, %.5f, %.5f)", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], vel[0], vel[1], vel[2])
igwrap.Text("VelXZ=%.5f, VelXYZ=%.5f", math.Sqrt(vel[0]*vel[0]+vel[2]*vel[2]), vel.Length())
@ -166,6 +166,7 @@ func (g *Game) Init(win *glfw.Window) {
igwrap.MouseScrollCallback(xpos, ypos)
const airAccel = 0.1
@ -234,7 +235,7 @@ func (g *Game) Update(win *glfw.Window, delta time.Duration) {
io.ViewPos = g.player.EyePosition()
io.ViewDir = itype.Vec3d(mgl64.Rotate3DY(float64(g.rotY.Radians())).Mul3(mgl64.Rotate3DZ(float64(itype.Degrees(g.rotZ)))).Mul3x1(mgl64.Vec3{1, 0, 0}))
render.Framewire.PushBox(g.player.WorldHitbox().ToFloat32(), color.White)
render.Framewire.PushBox(g.player.WorldHitbox()[0].ToFloat32(), color.White)
if g.player.Position()[1] < -100 {
g.player.SetPosition(itype.Vec3d{18, 80, 18})
@ -137,15 +137,15 @@ func pointIntersect(n, m, p, q float64) (min, len float64) {
return arr[1], arr[2] - arr[1]
func (box1 Boxd) Intersects(box2 Boxd) (result Boxd) {
func (box1 Boxd) Intersect(box2 Boxd) (ok bool, intersect Boxd) {
a, b := pointIntersect(box1.OffX, box1.OffX+box1.SizeX, box2.OffX, box2.OffX+box2.SizeX)
c, d := pointIntersect(box1.OffY, box1.OffY+box1.SizeY, box2.OffY, box2.OffY+box2.SizeY)
e, f := pointIntersect(box1.OffZ, box1.OffZ+box1.SizeZ, box2.OffZ, box2.OffZ+box2.SizeZ)
if b == 0 || d == 0 || f == 0 {
return Boxd{}
return false, Boxd{}
} else {
return Boxd{
return true, Boxd{
OffX: a,
SizeX: b,
OffY: c,
@ -205,6 +205,14 @@ func (v Vec3d) Floor() Vec3i {
func (v Vec3d) Ceiling() Vec3i {
return Vec3i{
func (v Vec3d) ToFloat32() Vec3f {
return Vec3f{float32(v[0]), float32(v[1]), float32(v[2])}
@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ const (
type BlockAppearance struct {
Name string // A short name, like "stone" or "dirt", used for texture lookups
Transparent bool // Is block transparent?
NotSolid bool // Is block not solid, i.e., has no solid hitbox? (this makes the zero value reasonable)
NotSolid bool // Is block not solid, i.e., has no hitbox at all? (this makes the zero value reasonable)
Light int // The light level it emits, 0 is none
Hitbox itype.Boxd // Hitbox, in block-local coordinates; empty slice means a default hitbox of 1x1x1
Hitbox []itype.Boxd // Hitbox, in block-local coordinates; empty slice means a default hitbox of 1x1x1
RenderType BlockRenderType // Rendering type, defaults to OneTexture (zero value)
@ -124,11 +124,11 @@ func DoneRegisteringBlockBehaviour() {
// GetBlockAppearance gets the block appearance of the given block in the fastest way possible.
func GetBlockAppearance(position itype.Vec3i, id, aux int, data itype.Dataset, world *World) BlockAppearance {
if app, ok := appearance[id]; ok { // Cache
if app.Hitbox == (itype.Boxd{}) {
app.Hitbox = itype.Boxd{
if len(app.Hitbox) == 0 {
app.Hitbox = []itype.Boxd{{
OffX: 0, OffY: 0, OffZ: 0,
SizeX: 1, SizeY: 1, SizeZ: 1,
return app
@ -140,11 +140,11 @@ func GetBlockAppearance(position itype.Vec3i, id, aux int, data itype.Dataset, w
app := b.Appearance(position, aux, data, world)
if app.Hitbox == (itype.Boxd{}) {
app.Hitbox = itype.Boxd{
if len(app.Hitbox) == 0 {
app.Hitbox = []itype.Boxd{{
OffX: 0, OffY: 0, OffZ: 0,
SizeX: 1, SizeY: 1, SizeZ: 1,
return app
@ -165,7 +165,14 @@ type Block struct {
// Appearance is a shortcut for Behaviour.Appearance().
// It returns the Appearance of the block with the given parameters.
func (b Block) Appearance(position itype.Vec3i) BlockAppearance {
return b.Behaviour.Appearance(position, b.Aux, b.Dataset, b.World)
app := b.Behaviour.Appearance(position, b.Aux, b.Dataset, b.World)
if !app.NotSolid && len(app.Hitbox) == 0 {
app.Hitbox = []itype.Boxd{{
OffX: 0, OffY: 0, OffZ: 0,
SizeX: 1, SizeY: 1, SizeZ: 1,
return app
// BlockUpdate is a shortcut for Behaviour.BlockUpdate().
Reference in New Issue
Block a user